Emmanuel Carrera, MD

I am a stroke neurologist, director of the Geneva Stroke Center and Privat Docent at the Faculty of Medicine. After completing clinical training in Lausanne, Switzerland, a completed post-doc research fellowships at the Departments of Clinical Neurosciences, Columbia University, NY and Cambridge University, UK and in the Department of Psychiatry, Madison, WI.


Elisabeth Dirren, MD-PhD, Senior Researcher

Motor learning, Connectivity analysis and Machine learning Attending Stroke Neurologist, Deputy director Stroke Center




Julian Klug, MD, Post-Doc Research Fellow

Deep Learning, Connectivity analysis, Computer Science


Nicolas Broc, MD, PhD Student

Randomized Clinical Trial, Connectivity analysis Attending Neurologist


Emmanuel Cazzato, BSc, Master Student, UNIFR

Motor learning, Connectivity analysis and Machine learning


Juliette Cloppet-Mouchet, Research Nurse, Data manager

Randomized Clinical Trial, Swiss Stroke Registry


Professor Jean-Claude Baron, MD, Dsc


Professor Dimitri van de Ville, PhD

Departments of Bioengineering, EPFL, and Fundamental Neurosciences, University of Geneva, Switzerland


Dr Jonas Richiardi, PhD

Department of Department of Radiology, Lausane University Hospital, Switzerland


Dre Mitsouko van Assche, PhD, Post-Doc

Dre Alexia Bourgeois, PhD, Post-Doc

Dr Damien Schneider, Master Student